Monday 10 March 2008



AO using clay material and 3 area lights, one of them set to environmental
Light using clay material, in the same pass as AO
Shadow using clay and one of the are lights
Z-Depth using Phil's Z-depth shader

Diffuse using Alu shader use Diff preset
Reflective using Alu shader use Refl preset
Spec using Alu shader use Spec preset
Light_Diff Alu Shader use Beaty preset

All the passes using the Alu shader uses Tom's lightrig. Ask him or me how how to use it if you have any problems. Ask everything regarding the light, AO etc. to Cleve.

The target is to get the first four passes set-up and rendered overnight today!
Tomorrow we will do the other passes
After that some people will start start comping, others set-up passes for the chops

For reflections make a sphere and load in an appropriate BLURRED picture to a constant shader. Wrap it around the sphere and set it to phantom. Assign the ALU reflective material to everything in the scene and make sure the lights are off.

Every houdini file should be saved independently according to it's pass. Render out an ifd sequence for every pass and make sure you specify the output's picture name in houdini before rendering out the ifd's. In your shot directory (shot_*/houdini) make an ifd directory and a render directory. Point the output picture to you render dir and the ifd sequence to the ifd dir. inside the dirs make sure you have the appropiate passes set up ie specular, AO etc.

Junaid: 11, 21, 20
Cleve: 4, 3, 13, 14
Oli: 10, 6, 14, 15
Tom: 5, 9, 12
Ben: 23, 22, 9
Coen: 17, 18

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